Now that the bench is in place, I can go back and complete the installation of the Radial Arm Saw.
It's a 1960's vintage Craftsman model, that I bought in Austin for $50 at a garage sale. I switched the motor to 220V, and installed new round black wire. The height adjustment shaft just sticks through the front of the bench, but the stock handle doesn't have enough clearance to turn, so I had to come up with the different plan. I bought a 2" diameter pulley, a small V belt and a octagonal-shaped PVC end cap. I cut a section of V-belt just the right size to fit around the pulley, then epoxied it into place. I then epoxied the end cap and pounded it down onto the pulley - the V-belt acts as a gasket of just the right size to make everything fit tightly. The new adjustment knob then fits onto the end of the shaft.