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The City

Hannover is a small city in the north-west part of Germany.  Watch out, this map is very big.

Here's the city's web page in English.

Hannover is known as the City of Fairs because it hosts so many international trade fairs in the 26 bulidings on the grounds of the Messe (Fair).  The biggest fair is the CeBIT computer show which draws 750,000 visitors. This year Hannover hosts Expo 2000 in dozens of new buildings right next to the Fair site.

We live about 3 km from the Fair/Expo site and we've learned how to avoid most of the incredible car and truck traffic during a Fair.  They even make both directions on the Messe Schnellweg (Fair Highway) go in the same direction to move more cars towards it in the morning and away from it in the afternoon. The only problem is our son's school is really easy to get to if the Schnellweg is normal, but it's a drive out into the country and back if the Schnellweg is going in the wrong direction!